

Nothing Impossible


17th November 2020 14:42:23 Hours


Major General Priyantha Senaratne RSP USP psc retired from the active service on 12 November 2020. The retired Major General was accorded a ceremonial Guard Turnout followed by a Guard of Honour salute. He offered a floral tribute to fallen Commandos at the Commando Regiment War memorial after the parade.

Afterwards, retired Major General addressed a cross section of other ranks of the Regiment. In his speech to the other ranks, he explained the value of Commandos and the importance of maintaining sound physical efficiency level to carry out the tasks assigned and insisted on the discipline of soldiers to uphold the name of Commandos.

Thereafter, he planted a mango sapling in memory of his retirement prior to addressing Officers of the Regiment. In his address to the Officers, he recapitulated his life time experiences in the Army and advised all officers to maintain physical standards to accepted level and to maintain good discipline to lead the Regiment to success. After addressing the Officers, he had interaction session with all Officers and this was followed by an all rank lunch at Cpls’ Club premises. At the end of the events, retiring Major General was greeted by all Commandos with a street line up to the main entrance where he presented his last salute to the Regiment.

In the evening, retired Major General Priyantha Senaratne was invited for a formal farewell dinner held at the Officers Mess with senior officers of the regiment together with spouses. He was presented a token of appreciation by the Colonel of the Regiment Major General Pradeep de Silva RSP and Mrs. Anuja de Silva, president of Commando Seva Vanitha Branch offered a memento to Mrs. Kushmi Senaratne. Afterwards, Centre Commandant Commando Regiment presented the career profile of retired Major General Priyantha Senaratne RSP USP psc and Major General Priyantha Senaratne made a factual, attractive and emotional speech. In his speech, he extended his gratitude to all Commanding Officers, Colleagues and Young Officers who assisted him in his role of duty over 34 years in Sri Lankan Army. He also praised Mrs. Kushmi Senaratne for the devotion, commitment, care and tolerance she had extended to ease him in his prolonged career.