17th February 2023 11:12:00 Hours
The Commander HQ Army Logistic Comd and Col Comdt of SLEME Maj Gen S P I M B Samarakoon Hdmc Lsc Senior Officer visited to the RHQCES on 16.02.2023 for the Administrative Inspection.
In accordance with the military traditions, The Commander HQ Army Logistic Comd and Col Comdt of SLEME Maj Gen SPIMB Samarakoon Hdmc Lsc was accorded a ‘Drive Pass’ turn out at the entrance of the Corps of Engineer Services then he was warmly welcomed by Brig K M S Kumara, the Col Comdt CES and Director Engineer Services.
After the administrative inspection held at the Officers’ mess conference hall with the participation of Dte of ES senior officers and Comd Offrs & Comdts of CES, the Colonel Commandant CES, showing the gratitude of all members of the Corps of Engineer Services to the Commander HQ Army Logistic Comd and Col Comdt of SLEME for undertaking the visit, presented a memento.