08th January 2020 09:55:02 Hours
The Corps of Engineer Services annual War Heroes Commemoration Ceremony and the Pirith Chanting Ceremony were held at the Corps of Engineer Services Regimental Headquarters on 03 January 2020 under the guidance of Brigadier R Ganegoda psc the Colonel Commandant CES the Director Engineer Services who graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. Floral tributes were placed at the War Heroes Memorial Monument by the Colonel Commandant, Senior Officers and Family members of the Fallen War Heroes and Civil employees who sacrificed their lives during the war. Also valuable gifts packs were given away to the family members of the Fallen War Heroes. Later that day, the Pirith Ceremony preceded by a Colorful procession was held at Corps of Engineer Services Regimental Headquarters premises and it was followed by an almsgiving to Maha Sangha on the following day morning.