
Corps Of Engineer Services

Initiate & Complete

19th July 2024 12:04:32 Hours


Major General IANB Perera RWP USP ndu psc, the Military Secretary of the Sri Lanka Army and the Colonel Commandant of the Corps of Engineer Services undertook his first official visit to 6 (V) Engineer Services Regiment, Watareka on 16 July 2024.

Upon arrival, Lieutenant Colonel RP Herath CES, the Commanding Officer extended a warm welcome to the Colonel Commandant and saluted with a Drive Pass in accordance with military traditions.

Then the Colonel Commandant was accompanied to the comprehensive briefing about the unit by the CO 6 (V) ESR, shedding light on the unit's achievements, challenges, and future endeavors followed by the group photograph with officers of the unit capturing the collective spirit of the unit and immortalizing the memorable moments shared during the visit.

In line with the program, a mango sapling was planted at the camp premises and subsequently, the Colonel Commandant addressed the all ranks of the unit stressing the value of professionalism whilst preserving highest standards of discipline during their career. At the end of his address, the Commanding Officer presented a memento to the visiting Colonel Commandant.

Thereafter, Colonel Commandant was accompanied to a tea where an interactive session with troops were undertaken and then ensued a thorough visit in the camp allowed him to witness firsthand the conditions and challenges face by the unit and strengthening his understanding of the working environment.

Before his departure, he recorded his compliments in the visitors' book, acknowledging the hospitality and professionalism demonstrated throughout the visit.

The Centre Commandant of CES, Brigadier KL Munasinghe USP joined the visit.