
Corps Of Engineer Services

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12th December 2021 10:10:01 Hours

CES-SVU Launches Humanitarian Projects

The Corps of Engineer Service – Seva Vanitha Unit (CES-SVU) in coordination with the troops of the 16 ESR recently conducted several humanitarian and community service projects on the instructions of the Chairperson CES-SVU.

Through the coordination of the 16 ESR, 98 children, resident at Mulliyaweli Bharathie Children’s Home were gifted school accessories as one of its community projects. 16 ESR troops organized the simple event sticking to health guidelines.

Meanwhile, two physically-handicapped children of one Non Commissioned Officer and a soldier of the 5 ESR were offered two wheelchairs by the CES Seva Vanitha Unit as another humanitarian assistance project.

News Courtesy - www.army.lk