The Training Day of CES was held successfully in RHQCES Panagoda with the participation 60 Officers attended from all SFHQs, DIVs & Units, under the guidance of Colonel Comdt CES and Director Engineer Services Brig KAPJ Ratnayake Lsc.
The Training day Programme was commenced with a Yoga Training followed by a Drill session. Two informative and thought provoking lectures on “Stress Management†and “Problem Solving and Interpersonal Conflict Resolution†were conducted by Lt Col ATS Ariyarathne RSP NCC and Lt PACPK Peduruarachchi SLAGSC.
After the lunch, Brig Dr Ananda Ranasinghe former President of IESL delivered a very valuable lecture on \"Contract Law\". The Col Comdt CES, Ctr Comdt and other senior officers were present for this occasion and later Col Comdt CES presented a memento to Brig Dr Ananda Ranasinghe in appreciation of the honorary service rendered by him to the Sri Lanka Army as an Advisor and Consultant Engineer.
A special memento and a cheque worth of Rs. 100,000 were awarded to Maj H M S S Herath CES in appreciation of his academic excellence at Logistic Staff Course No 3 as the ‘Best Logistic Planner’ and the ‘Best Overall Performance’.