Captain WC Gamage ESR and 30 Other Ranks of 6 (V) Engineer Services Regiment commenced the renovations of old building located at Malay Street, Colombo that was used as the Recruitment Office as the initial step of constructing Defence Services College. As per the ARO/5 2006 dated 10 June 2006 Army Routine Order, the 6 (V) Engineer Services Regiment was raised with effect from 28 June 2006. In order to establish the 6 (V) Engineer Services Regiment, Major P Gunasekara ESR and Lieutenant (QM) BMK Basnayake ESR reported to the location where the proposed Defence Services Collage to be constructed. Hence from the begining this Regiment has been located at Malay Street, Colombo 02 temporarily and presently located in Watereka, Padukka. Maj P Gunasekara ESR was appointed as the first Officiating Commanding Officer of the Regiment. Lt (QM) BMK Basnayake ESR was appointed as the first Adjutant and the Quarter Master Officer and WO I NWM Jayarathne was appointed as the first Regimental Sergeant Major.
The present approved Unit Establishment is 29 Officers and 1234 Other Ranks. Presently the Regiment is commanded by Lt Col RP Herath CES (L/O).