
Corps Of Engineer Services

Initiate & Complete

10th Engineer Services Regiment(Vol)

In order to carry out the Development Projects in Southern Provicne, as per the instructions of the Army Routine Order, ARO 60/ 2008 dated 15 Oct 2008, the 10 (V) Engineer Services Regiment was raised with effect from 01 Nov 2008.

On 24 February 2009, the 10 (V) Engineer Services Regiment was established at an abondoned School Bulding located at Mayurapura, Hambantota by a team led by Maj RS Punchihewa CES and several Other Ranks.

The Regiment was officially established at Mayurapura, Hambantota after Maj UAJPK Amarasingha CES assumed duties as the firat Officiating Commanding Officer of the 10 Engineer Services Regiment on 02 April 2009.

Maj RS Punchihewa CES was appointed as the first SO II and Lt UAC Kumara CES was appointed as the first Adjutant of the Regiment. Also Lt (QM) SADN Steewan SLLI was appointed as the first Quarter Master and WO I Lal Kumara was appointed as the first Regimental Sergeant Major.

Present approved Unit Establishment is 35 Officers and 1233 Other Ranks. Presently the Regiment is commanded by Lt Col RPA Rohana USP Lsc CES.