19th February 2025 20:33:58 Hours
The Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police conducted its first quarter Officers' Training Programme on 17 February 2025 at the Regimental Headquarters. The programme was organized by the 4 SLCMP under the supervision of the Centre Commandant, Brig M M M P Mahesh Kumara to enhance officers' professionalism and team spirit.
The programme included morning physical training, a drill session for junior officers, individual and group presentations and recreational activities. In the evening, a "Diners’ Club" session was held at the Regimental Officers’ Mess, featuring an inspiring speech on "Pragmatic Leadership" delivered by the Military Secretary and the Colonel Commandant of SLCMP, Major General ULJS Perera RSP USP nps psc. The event was attended by senior officers including the Provost Marshal - Brigadier R.D. Sallay ndc, Logistics Commander Log Comd SFHQ (Central) - Brig A M R Abeysinghe ndc, D M & M - Brig H M S I Senarath, other Members of the Council and Officers belongs to the regiment.