Battle is the most fearful and brutal process in the universe. The destruction it brings has made the peaceful man hate battle. Life and property lost in any battle can never be replaced of valued.
The infantryman of ancient times was armed with weapons such as swords and bows & arrow. However, the technological advances made through the years has resulted in the manufacture of weapons that are easy to use as well as highly destructive, so much so that the destruction caused by modern day weaponry is beyond anyone's imagination. Technological advancement has also resulted in the manufacture of highly effective and user friendly equipment thus making the task of an infantryman much easier that what it may have been in the past.
Ceylon once being a colony of Great Britain and the present Sri Lanka Army being a developed product of what used to be the Army that the British rulers maintained, was at the time of being formed, was formed keeping somewhat in line with the British Army and were compelled to adopt some of the customs and traditions followed by the British Army. The Rifle Regiment of the Ceylon Army under British rule was formed in line with the Green Jacket Rifle Regiment of Great Britain and borrowed much of its customs and traditions from them. The Sinha Regiment which is a ‘development’ of the Rifle Regiment inherited these customs and traditions of which some are continued to be followed even today.
The Sinha Regiment being the oldest infantry unit of the Sri Lanka Army has since its inception used a wide range of weapons suitable for its role. Listed below are the details of weapons that are presently used by the Regiment.