Major general TA Peiris ptsc
Forward Maintenance Area (North Central) was raised in year 1997 by ARO 31/94 - G/SD/51 and Colonel WB Peiris USP was the first Commander of Forward Maintenance Area (North Central). Founding staff of the Headquarter consisted of 03 Officers and 35 Other Ranks.
On 01 January 1997, the Headquarter was established where “General’s Holiday Bungalow” presently located at Anuradhapura. The Headquarter was moved to No. 37/600, Ranasewapura, Anuradhapura, place acquired on rental basis. Then the Forward Maintenance Area (North Central) was re-located in a new building at 21 Infantry Division camp premises in Ranasewapura.
On 10 January 2017, the Headquarters once again shifted to “Sasiri Garment” building in Wahamalgollewa where the land was acquired by the Army. Thereafter, Forward Maintenance Area (North Central) moved to Sunahatha Camp premises with the guidance of the Commander of the Army following the disbandment of Transit Camp (Anuradhapura) on 15 June 2018.

Col/Brig WB Peiris USP
From 1997.01.01 to 1999.02.01

Col/Brig DN Wijesooriya USP
From 1999.02.01 to 2000.09.12

Brig CJ Kottahachchi AATO
From 2000.09.13 to 2002.03.06

Brig KD Thilakaratne USP
From 2002.03.07 to 2003.06.18

Col/Brig ALR Wijetunga
From 2003.06.19 to 2005.06.13

Col GS Padumadasa
From 2005.06.14 to 2005.12.17

Col DRNS Dembatanpitiya USP
From 2005.12.18 to 2006.03.07

Brig HL David USP
From 2006.03.07 to 2006.05.26

Brig KANSKA Dharmaratne
From 2006.05.26 to 2007.07.31

Maj Gen ASM Zaheer RSP
From 2007.07.31 to 2008.07.09

Brig/Maj Gen DRNS Dembatanpitiya USP
From 2008.07.09 to 2010.01.22

Brig MZR Salley USP
From 2010.01.23 to 2010.12.03

Brig H Abeygunawardane USP
From 2010.12.03 to 2011.12.03

Brig PJA Weerasinghe Hdmc Lsc
From 2011.12.03 to 2012.08.02

Col H Walgama
From 2012.08.02 to 2012.08.15

Col WG Dias
From 2012.08.15 to 2014.01.21

Brig DS Weerasekara USP
From 2014.01.21 to 2014.12.22

Brig/Maj Gen JCP Pakshaweera RSP USP
From 2014.12.22 to 2016.03.31

Brig/Maj Gen DM Weeraman psc
From 2016.03.31 to 2017.07.25

Brig/Maj Gen NM Hettiarachchi USP Hdmc psc
From 2017.07.25 to 2018.04.23

Brig/Maj Gen DSA Dehiwatta ato
From 2018.04.23 to 2014.12.22

Brig/Maj Gen H Kulatunga RSP
From 2018.09.23 to 2019.01.14

Brig/Maj Gen KMRP Karunathilake psc
From 2019.01.14 to 2019.12.20

Brig JB Randeniya (O/L)
From 2019.12.20 to 2020.02.06

Major General LPR Premalal USP
From 06 February 2020 to 17 Jan 2021

Brig HL Guruge AATO
From 2021.01.19 to 2021.08.12

Brig/Maj Gen KPS Silva
From 2021.08.20 to 2022.01.10

Maj Gen EMP Weerasingha USP ato
From 2022.01.21 to 2023.06.03

Major General A K Rajapaksha
From 2023.06.07 to 2023.12.12

Colonel H D A N Hettige
(Over looking)
From 2023.10.12 to 2024.01.08

Brig TA Peiris Ptsc
From 2024.01.08 to 2024.02.23

Major general TA Peiris Ptsc
From 2024.02.23 up to date
There are six Logistics battalions and one Army Hospital under command to Forward Maintenance Area (North Central):
- 2nd Engineer Service Regiment.
- 3rd Sri Lanka Army Service Corps.
- 3rd Sri Lanka Army Medical Corps.
- 2nd Sri Lanka Army Ordnance Corps.
- 5th Sri Lanka Electrical Mechanical Engineer.
- 3rd Sri Lanka Army Corps of Military Police.
- Army Hospital (Anuradhapura).
- Col FMA - Col H BC Mahendra ptsc
- SO 1 - Lt Col PGJ Suriysena - VIR
- SO 2 (Adm) - Lt Col WMSD Weerasingha RWP RSP MIR
- SO 2 (Log) - Maj LHD Thushara - NCC
- ALO - Lt (QM) DJPNR Jayasuriya RSP VIR
Postal address : Sunahatha Army Camp, Anuradhapura.
Telephone : 025 2121079 (Exch)
E-mail : or