26th December 2017 16:15:43 Hours
Despite inclement weather conditions and the catastrophic disaster, caused by landslides and torrential rains, Buddhists within Security Force Headquarters (Central) marked the Vesak Full Moon Poya Day on 21 May 2016.
Security Force Headquarters (Central) also organized a "Vesak Zone" with the cooperation of its affiliated and log units and other military establishments within the garrison on account of the Vesak Poya and Commander Security Force (Central), Major General A P de Z Wickramaratne RWP ndu psc took part in the inaugural opening ceremony of the "Vesak Zone" and declared it open on 21 May 2016 at Muthukumaru Grounds - Diyatalawa.
The second day of the "Vesak Zone" was declared open by Mr. Nimal Abesiri the Government Agent (GA) in Badulla district. The 1st place for the best lantern was awarded to 17 Ceylon Engineer Service (CES), 2nd to the Volunteer Force Training School (VFTS) and the third place went to Sri Lanka Military Academy (SLMA) for their colourful lanterns presented in the "Vesak Zone".
Apart from first three prizes, a special prize was awarded to 2 (Volunteer) Sri Lanka Electrical and Mechanical Engineers for their creation in the “Vesak Zone” and prizes were also awarded to those who sang"Bakthi Gee". The Diyathalawa Vesak Zone was organized for the 4th consecutive year, which proved the religious co-existence and mutual relationship between Army and Civil Officials.