
Security Force (Central)

26th December 2017 16:15:40 Hours


Major General AKS Perera WWV RWP RSP USP ndu, the Commander Security Force (Central) presided a ceremony, which was held at SFHQ(Central) premises on 01 January 2016, where the National Flag and the Army Flag were raised to be in line with military formalities by giving the pride of prominence to the country. rnAfterward a two-minute silence was observed, which honoured the memory of all those who made the supreme sacrifice for the sake of the country. The formal State Service Allegiance Pledge that reminds state officials' unfailing duty to serve the public and the State under One country, One nation and One flag was then read out by Brigadier KMDAA de Silva USP, the Brigadier General Staff of SFHQ (Central) as is the practice in all island-wide state institutions on the first working day of the New Year.rnThen SF Commander attended an interactive tea table of traditional sweet meats where all ranks of SFHQ (Central) and VFTS were present. Later on, the Commander, together with senior officers, visited the Army Base Hospital - Diyatalawa to meet a cross section of Army personnel under treatment and gave away gift parcels to the hospital inmates and exchanged New Year wishes with them.