
Security Force (Central)

26th December 2017 16:15:40 Hours


Security Force Headquarters (Central) proudly marked its 3rd anniversary with series of events on the patronage of the Commander Security Force (Central) Major General A P De Z Wickramarathne RWP ndu psc during 13 March to 14 March 2016.

Giving prominence to religious ceremonies, a Bodhi Pooja was conducted by Ven. Madamulana Vijaya Boodi Thero of Walimada Uma Ela Rajamaha Temple, who was conducted in a colourful procession (Perahera) with dancers, flag-bearers and drummers to Bodhi Kanda Temple, on 13 March 2016.

Bodhi pooja was conducted to transfer merits and invoke religious blessings on indispensable Guardians of the Nation, handicapped, fallen and missing War Heroes of the Army. Further, all officers, other ranks and civil employees serving under Security Force Headquarters (Central) and their family members were also invoked religious blessings at the Bodhi Pooja. The Bodhi Pooja was attended by officers and other ranks serving Security Force Headquarters (Central), its affiliated battalions and Volunteer Force Training School - Diyatalawa.

On 14 March 2016, in accordance with military traditions, Major General AP de Z Wickramaratne RWP ndu psc reviewed the Guard Turnout and received the salute of the Guard of Honour, presented by troops of 7 Regiment Sri Lanka Signal Corps at the SF HQ (Central) premises - Diayatalawa.

Brigade Commanders of 111, 112, 121 and 122 Brigades of SF HQ (Central), Commanding Officers of affiliated units, senior officers of SF HQ (Central) and under command formations witnessed the parade. Subsequently, a tea party was held at the Sergeants' Mess of SF HQ (Cen) with the participation of Senior Non-Commissioned Officers serving the SF HQ (Central) and its affiliated units.

Afterward, addressing all ranks at an all rank lunch, Major General Wickramaratne briefly explained about the duties, which are entrusted to Army Personnel in present day and he stressed on the importance of being devoted to the organization. The lunch was attended by officers serving SF HQ (Cen), its under command formations and a large number of other ranks serving Security Force Headquarters (Central) and its affiliated formations. That culminated the day's event with great reminiscences.