
Security Force (Central)

22nd April 2021 16:51:16 Hours


As per the concept of HE the president and the direction of the Commander of the Army 35,000 recruits to be trained in order to strengthen the Sri Lanka Army. The first phase of the training was commenced on 16 April 2021 at the Security Force Headquarters (Central) Recruit Training Centre at the National Cadet Corps Training Center Rantambe under the supervision and guidance of Major General NR Lamahewage RWP RSP ndu.

During the first phase, 394 recruits to be trained and the inauguration session was held as a simple ceremony at the National Cadet Corps Training Center Rantambe. The opening remarks were made by GOC of 11 Infantry Division, Major General SMPB Samarakoon RWP RSP. The Commandant of the SFHQ (Central) Recruit Training Center Rantambe Colonel NDP Gunathunga, Chief Instructor Lieutenant Colonel RRP Laksiri USP, other officers and instructors were present at this occasion.