02nd April 2024 08:00:00 Hours
12 Infantry Division recently celebrated its 13th anniversary amidst religious and military formalities under the guidance of Major General C.S. Munasinghe WWV RWP RSP USP ndc psc IG, the General Officer Commanding (GOC), 12 Infantry Division on 01 and 02 April 2024.The anniversary celebrations started with pirith chanting ceremony. Subsequently, a friendly cricket tournament with the participation of Officers, Other Ranks, and civil staff in all under command formations got underway on 01 April 2024.
Moreover, children from the ‘Kanchanadeva Children’s Home’ were taken on an excursion to see the birds garden in Hambantota. During the excursion, a delicious lunch was offered to the children and a calypso band played to entertain them.
On the anniversary day, the GOC, 12 Infantry Division was warmly welcomed by staff Officers and saluted in a formal Guard Turnout. Later, the GOC addressed the troops.Finally, the GOC participated in the All Rank lunch where he had the opportunity to interact with the Officers and Other Ranks of the Division.Senior Officers, Officers and Other Ranks participated in the anniversary celebrations.