
Mechanized Infantry Regiment

Marching forward with vigour

11th October 2020 22:19:07 Hours


The official visit by Major General A G D N Jayasundera RWP RSP - Colonel of the Regiment, Mechanized Infantry Regiment to the Mechanized Infantry Brigade, 1st, 2nd and 5th (V) Battalions of Mechanized Infantry Regiments and Mechanized Infantry Training Centre was held on 04 October 2020 and 05 October 2020.

The first day was scheduled to visit Mechanized Infantry Brigade and 1st Battalion Mechanized Infantry Regiment. The Colonel of the Regiment was warmly welcomed by the Commander, Mechanized Infantry Brigade upon arrival at the entrance and he was greeted with a guard turnout. Thereafter, group photograph was arranged and followed by planting a sapling, formal briefing by Commander Mechanized Infantry Brigade, all ranks tea, troops address, camp visit and finally kept the remarks on the visitors’ book.

Second half of the day was spared to visit 1st Battalion Mechanized Infantry Regiment. During the arrival he was presented with a guard turnout after received by the Commanding Officer. Thereafter, Colonel of the Regiment was attended for the group photograph followed by formal briefing by the Commanding Officer, troops address, planting a sapling and signed the visitors’ book.

As per the programme, second day event he was visited the 5th Battalion Mechanized Infantry Regiment. Accordingly, guard turnout was presented and attended for the briefing by Commanding Officer, panting a sapling, troops address, all ranks tea and finally singed the visitors’ book. Second half of the event was scheduled to visit Mechanized Infantry Training Centre and 2nd Battalion Mechanized Infantry Regiment respectively.

During the visit to Mechanized Infantry Training Centre, Colonel of the Regiment was attended for the group photograph followed by troops address and planting a sapling. After that, visited the 2nd Battalion Mechanized Infantry Regiment and consequently attended for the planting a sapling followed by group photograph. Finally, Colonel of the Regiment kept his remarks on the visitors’ book to mark the conclusion of the visit.