
Mechanized Infantry Regiment

Marching forward with vigour

07th March 2018 12:20:47 Hours


The Mechanized Infantry Regiment conducted Officers' Training Day 2018 - I at the Regimental Centre on 02 March 2018. The Colonel of the Regiment, Senior Officers/Officers including the officers on ERE also (more than 100 Officers) were participated for the Training Day programme.

The Training Day's proceedings were commenced with Physical Training. Then junior Officers were attended for Drill session at the parade ground. A presentation and analysis on "Donald Trump's Leadership of the Super Power; its impact on the stability of world peace" was presented by 5x Officers representing each unit.

After the lunch the Book Review on "War in the Fourth Dimension" written by Alferd Price was conducted by Captain K D S Perera - 3 Mech Inf.

Culminating the Training Day's proceeding a "Dinners' Club Session" was held at the Regimental Centre Officers' Mess on "Managing self and leading where you are to achieve success with different generations" by Mr. Shantha Ketipearachchi (DipM, MCIM, Chartered Marketer, MBA (Sri j), Senior Management Consultant in business sector.
