
Mechanized Infantry Regiment

Marching forward with vigour

23rd January 2018 15:08:43 Hours

Officers' Training Day 2016 II

The Mechanized Infantry Regimental Centre conducted its last Officers' Training Day session for the year 2016 at the Regimental Centre Dambuluhalmillawewa on 24 November 2016. Senior Officers/Officers including the officers on ERE (Approx 100 Officers) were participated for the Training Day programme. The Colonel of the Regiment addressed all the officers and stressed the important of conducting an Officers' Training Day in the Regiment during his opening remarks. The Training Day's proceedings were commenced with the physical training and a drill session by a qualified instructor from SLMA.

After that a group presentation on Present Situation in Mali and Challenges faced by MINUSMA was conducted by the CO and the officers of 2 Mech Inf. As a special event, in materializing the idea brought by the Colonel of the Regiment, Maj Gen J R Kulatunga RSP psc ndc, a drafted document on Development of Concept and Doctrine for Mech Inf Regiment was presented to all officers by the members of the team who have worked hard to produce this master piece, in order get the views and ideas for its further development. Culminating the Training Days proceeding a Dinners Club Session was held at the Regimental Officers' Mess on Advent of another Cold War : Crisis in US - Russian Relations by Prof. Amal Jayawardane - KDU.