
Mechanized Infantry Regiment

Marching forward with vigour

23rd January 2018 15:08:43 Hours

MIR Athletes Sportsmen Honoured in 1st 'Colours Night'

Mechanized Infantry Regiment's (MIR) maiden 'Colours Night' which recognizes the athletic and sports skills of its men got underway at the Kotelawala Defence University auditorium on Friday (12) evening\' headed by Major General A.M. Perera, Colonel of the Regiment, MIR.

The colourful and exciting ceremony that was attended by a large gathering of MIR personnel saw 54 exceptionally-talented athletes, including 3 officers receive those colours, having shown their skills in events such as golf, firing, Elle, swimming, wrestling and weight lifting.

Lance Corporal A.K. Raja of 5 (Volunteer) MIR was adjudged the Best Sportsman in the year and carried away the trophy. Major General A.M Perera as the Chief Guest distributed the Colours.

Brigadier R.A. Nugera, Commandant, Officer Career Development Centre (OCDC), Brigadier G.J.L. Waduge, Director General Operations and Security who had contributed exceptionally towards enhancement of MIR standards in the past attended the programme, together with Major General J.R. Kulathunga, Vice Chancellor, KDU, Brigadier A.M.S.B. Athapaththu, President, Sports, MIR, Colonel H.M.S. Herath, Regimental Centre Commandant, MIR and Colonel S. Balachandra, Commandant, MIR.

Senior officers, officers, other rankers and next of kin of their families attended the occasion.