
Mechanized Infantry Regiment

Marching forward with vigour

23rd January 2018 15:08:43 Hours


The Officers' Training Day of the Mechanized Infantry Regiment was conducted on 10 November 2017, with the participation of large number of Officers at the Regimental Centre. \r\n\r\nTraining Day programme was directed by Centre Comdt Col H M U Herath RWP RSP psc under the guidance of Colonel of the Regiment Major General J R Kulatunga RSP ndc psc.\r\nThe day\'s proceedings were commenced with the Physical Training. Then Drill session conducted for junior officers at the parade ground. Afterwards Book Review on 'India 2020' written by former Indian President Mohomed Abdul Kalam was conducted by Captain M M Y W Fernando - 2 Mech Inf. A group presentation on "Qatar Isolation and its effect to the World, Religion and Local Affairs" was conducted by the CO and group of officers of 4 Mech Inf. Culminating the Training Day's proceeding a "Dinners' Club Session" was held at the Regimental Officers' Mess on Officering, Leadership and Regimentation by Veteran Lecturer Brig H N Halangode (Retd) RWP RSP USP USACGSC.