
Mechanized Infantry Regiment

Marching forward with vigour

31st December 2019 17:56:14 Hours


Officers' Family Get - Together 2019 organized by the Mechanized Infantry Regimental Centre was held on 28 December 2019 at the Officers' Mess premises.

In light of the above, Major General A M S B Atapattu - Colonel of the Regiment was graced the occasion as the Chief Guest and Mrs. Fredrika Atapattu - President, Mechanized Infantry Ladies Club was graced the occasion as the Guest of Honour. All Officers and their families were cordially welcomed by Brigadier S J Priyadarshana RWP RSP USP - Centre Commandant, Mechanized Infantry Regiment.

Major General A G D N Jayasundera RWP RSP - General Officer Commanding, 23 Division, Brigadier H M S Herath - Project Officer, 11 Division, Brigadier L S Balachandra RSP - Commander Mechanized Infantry Brigade and other Senior Officers/Officers along with their families were participated in the event.

As a special event, newly married Officers and their spouses were warmly welcomed by the Mrs. Fredrika Atapattu - President, Mechanized Infantry Ladies Club to the family of Mechanized Infantry and they were presented with mementos.

Further, Lieutenant Colonel K D A K Dayaratne (Retired) RSP USP MIR was appreciated by presenting a memento at the event for the dedicated service rendered to the Regiment and Officers who were selected to follow Defence Services Command and Staff College Course in 2020 also gifted during the event.

After that, all annual special events of the Mechanized Infantry Ladies Club and all promoted Officers' photographs were displayed in a wide screen at the event.

Many fun games, food stalls and musical show were organized to entertain the invited families including children.

Finally, Colonel of the Regiment and President, Mechanized Infantry Ladies Club conveyed the best wishes to all invited families for forthcoming New Year 2020.