
Mechanized Infantry Regiment

Marching forward with vigour

23rd January 2018 15:08:43 Hours


The Officers' Family Get-together 2017 was held at the Officers' Mess premises on 30 December 2017. The Colonel of the Regiment Major General Ruwan Kulatunga graced the occasion as the Chief Guest along with the Commander Mechanized Infantry Brigade, Brig Shantha Herath, the Centre Commandant Colonel Udaya Herath and other senior Officers/Officers along with their families. All participants were gifted with a valuable hamper.

The event was begun with a glamorous display of fireworks. Games such as Musical Chair, Hat Passing, Air Rifle shooting, Breaking Tins, Duck and Ring and Throwing Darts were there for fun and entertainment. Sri Lankan, Indian and Arabian food and beverage stalls were there to have variety of food experience.

The most attractive and coloured musical event was the 'Symphony' which was performed by the Regimental Beat Group, Brass Band & by the instruments of Cultural Dancing troupe and made the session nonstop fun and entertainment the climax of the occasion with excitement and thrill.