
Mechanized Infantry Regiment

Marching forward with vigour

23rd January 2018 15:08:43 Hours


The Mechanized Infantry Regiment Inter Battalion Volley Ball championship was held on 10th, 11th and 12th November 2017 at 4th Battalion Mechanized Infantry playground. The event was organized under the close supervision of Commanding Officer 4 Mechanized Infantry Lt Col H A A N C Prabhath RSP USP. Colonel of the Regiment Major General J R Kulatunga RSP ndc psc grace the occasion as the Chief Guest for the final game. Commander, 553 Brigade - Brigadier A G D N Jayasundera RWP RSP, Centre Comdt Col H M U Herath RWP RSP psc with many senior officers of Mechanized Infantry Regiment and SF (J) AOR attended for the event. Final game was held inbetween 3 Mechanized Infantry and 4 Mechanized Infantry. After competitive game 3 Mechanized Infantry won the championship of Inter Battalion Volley Ball competition and 4 Mechanized Infantry became as runners up. After the awarding ceremony Colonel of the Regiment and all invitees were invited for the Dinner at the Officers' Mess.