
Mechanized Infantry Regiment

Marching forward with vigour

22nd August 2018 06:18:26 Hours


The Commander of the Army Lieutenant General N U M M W Senanayake RWP RSP VSV USP USACGSC paid his first official visit to the Mechanized Infantry Regimental Centre on 20 August 2018. The Commander of the Army was warmly welcomed by the Colonel of the Regiment, Major General M K D Perera RWP RSP VSV USP ndu and the Centre Commandant, Colonel S J Priyadarshana RWP RSP USP. A formal Guard Turnout and a colourful Military Parade presented to visiting Commander of the Army by Mechanized Infantry troops along with Infantry Carrying Vehicles (ICVs) and Armoured Personnel Carriers (APCs).

The Commander of the Army addressed all Officers and Other Ranks of the Mechanized Infantry Regiment. During the speech the Commander of the Army highlighted that "he wanted everyone to act to accomplish Vision and Mission of the Army while performing the share of responsibilities to the best of their ability. As the most sought service provider of the country since the Army is now dedicated to reach its 'capacity-based' formula to better serve our nation". Further, he pointed out that "as members of a proud organization,it should always maintain its dignified image by practicing the highest standards of discipline at all times".

Thereafter, the Commander of the Army shared a couple of views with Other Rankers during All Ranks tea party.

In the evening the Commander of the Army attended for the most important segment of the day's itinerary. The opening ceremony of newly constructed "Mechanized Infantry war heroes' monument" took place at the Regimental Centre premises in front of mammoth gathering of invitees with spouses, parents, children and Next of Kin of fallen war heroes. The Commander of the Army with Colonel of the Regiment and Senior Officers of Mechanized Infantry Regiment paid floral tributes to the fallen war heroes. Thereafter, Next of Kin of fallen war heroes paid respect to their beloved ones.The Commander of the Army spent few minutes with Next of Kin of fallen war heroes and gave away special memento for them.

Before the departure, the Commander of the Army signed the Visitors' Book marking his visit to the Mechanized Infantry Regiment.