
Mechanized Infantry Regiment

Marching forward with vigour

10th August 2018 06:39:45 Hours


Colonel of the Regiment Major General M K D Perera RWP RSP VSV USP ndu paid his first official visit to the Mechanized Infantry Training Centre (MITC) and 2nd Battalion Mechanized Infantry on 31 July 2018. The Colonel of the Regiment was warmly welcomed by the Commander - Mechanized Infantry Brigade Colonel L S Balachandra RSP, Centre Commandant Colonel S J Priyadarshana RWP RSP USP and Commanding Officer - Lieutenant Colonel A K Peiris RSP at the main entrance of 2nd Battalion Mechanized Infantry. A formal Guard Turnout presented to the visiting Colonel of the Regiment and he planted a tree sapling to mark his first official visit to the 2nd Battalion Mechanized Infantry.

Thereafter, the Commanding Officer - 2 Mech Inf conducted a presentation on brief introduction of the Battalion. Colonel of the Regiment addressed all Officers and Other Ranks of the Battalion and declared open newly-constructed Tank Yard. Then he visited camp area and inspected the facilities available for soldiers.

According to day's itinerary Colonel of the Regiment visited Mechanized Infantry Training Centre also. The Commandant - MITC Lieutenant Colonel GPP Kulathilaka warmly welcomed the visiting Colonel of the Regiment and briefed the function of the MITC. Afterwards, the visiting Colonel of the Regiment was invited to visit Model Rooms which equipped with Cut Models and Training Aids of Automotive, Gunnery and Communication systems of Armoured Personnel Carriers (APCs) which used by the Mechanized Infantry Regiment.

Concluding the day's event Commanding Officer - 2 Mech Inf presented a plaque to the Colonel of the Regiment to mark his first official visit to 2nd Battalion Mechanized Infantry.