
Mechanized Infantry Regiment

Marching forward with vigour

11th April 2018 06:45:50 Hours


The 11th Annual General Meeting of the Mechanized Infantry Ladies Club was held at the officers Mess, Sri Lanka Light Infantry, Panagoda on 08th April 2018. The newly appointed President of Mechanized Infantry Ladies Club Mrs. Shiromi Masakorala was warmly welcomed by Mrs. Nayana Balachandra and Mrs. Dulka Herath (Secretary). The event was ceremonially commenced with the lightening of traditional oil lamp. Mechanized Infantry Ladies Club Executive member Mrs. Nayana Balachandra welcomed all members to the day's event.

As a customary, Mrs. Shiromi Masakorala was appointed as the president of the ladies club for year 2018 while Mrs Fedrika Athapattu as the vice president Mrs. Dulka Herath as the Secretary and all the lady wives of the present Commanding Officers appointed as project leaders.

During the session a fruitful and enthusiastic lecture was conducted by Mr. Shantha Ketipearachchi (Dip M, MCIM, Chartered Marketer, MBA (Sri j), Senior Management Consultant in business sector to educate all members who were participated for the event. Summing up the meeting the Secretary, Mrs. Dulka Herath thanked all the members of the ladies club for their keen interest and valuable contribution towards the Regimental activities.

The day's proceedings terminated with the lunch at officers Mess, Regimental Centre, Sri Lanka Light Infantry.