


10th January 2024 16:09:06 Hours

General L P Balagalle (Rtd) RWP RSP VSV USP ndc IG Laid to Rest amid Military Honours

16th Army Commander and 3rd Colonel Commandant of Sri Lanka Artillery, General L P Balagalle (Rtd) RWP RSP VSV USP ndc IG who had served the country for more than 39 years and earned admiration as an experienced Gunner in the Regiment of Sri Lanka Artillery was laid on 28 October 2023 at Borella General Cemetery, amid a mammoth gathering of his military comrades, family members and mourners.

The Secretary Defence, General G D H Kamal Gunaratne (Rtd) WWV RWP RSP USP ndc psc MPhil and the Commander of the Army, Lieutenant General H L V M Liyanage RWP RSP ndu, former commanders, comrades, Retired Senior Officers, Principal Staff Officers, Senior Officers, Directors and other mourners were at the ceremony to salute the late senior gunner officer as the dusk fell.

Here follows the Part 1 Order read out at the funeral;

Hundreds Salute Final Journey of General Lionel Balagalle (Rtd), Former Army Commander amid Military Honours

A large gathering of mourners, next of kin, military veterans, former Army Commanders, Secretary to the Ministry of Defence, Commander of the Army, contemporary senior officers, serving and retired senior military officers, batch mates and their spouses joined the military funeral of the16th Commander of the Sri Lanka Army, General L.P Balagalle (Rtd) RWP RSP VSV USP ndc IG when his funeral procession wended its way to the Borella General Cemetery this afternoon (28) along the Bauddhaloka Mawatha for final rites and military honours.

After the funeral procession reached the entrance of the cemetery, troops and a representative gathering of senior officers in accordance with military traditions formally received the remains, presenting arms near the entrance to the cemetery before the coffin was placed in the gun carriage, having draped it in the National flag before troops commenced marching behind the coffin.

The formal Special Part I Order, issued by the Commander of the Army was then read out to the mourners as the occasion turned solemn. Troops in conformity with military traditions, then saluted the deceased, presenting a symbolic gun salute, the highest tribute a military officer could get in the event of his demise. Minutes after the Last Post, the bugle call that sounded, indicating that the great soldier had now gone to his final rest, the remains were taken to the crematorium. Subsequently, a gun salute that boomed away signalled that the Senior Officer who has rendered an indelible and unforgetful service to the organization and the country alike was laid to rest.

After that, Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage RWP RSP ndu Commander of the Army presented the bereaved family with decorations and medals General L.P Balagalle (Rtd) RWP RSP VSV USP ndc IG had earned during his illustrious career, a general tradition in the armed forces.

Displaying a high degree of professionalism and utmost commitment in discharging duties and responsibilities entrusted to him, General Balagalle during his noteworthy career of more than 39 years, particularly during his office as Commander of the Army (2000-2004) left a milestone chapter of office in the annals of Army history. He also had the rare privilege of concurrently holding the office of Chief of Defence Staff while being the Commander of the Army for a short period as the fight against division of the country was entering a crucial phase.

Here follows the Part 1 Order read out at the funeral;