


23rd January 2018 14:38:33 Hours

Major General M Hathurusinghe RSP ndc IG assumed duties as 18th Colonel Commandant of the Regiment of Artillery.

Major General M Hathurusinghe RSP ndc IG assumed office as the 18th Colonel Commandant of the Regiment of Artillery on 23rd Sep 2015 in a grandiose ceremony held at Regimental Headquarters, Panagoda.\r\n\r\nHe revered the fallen heroes of the Regiment by laying a floral wreath at the Regimental Monument expressing his utmost concern towards them as the foremost event of the ceremony. Then he reviewed the Regimental Parade presented by all Regular and Volunteer units together with the School of Artillery for their newly arrived Colonel Commandant proceeded by the Guard Turn-out in conformity with military traditions and custom.\r\n\r\nAt the auspicious time, the Colonel Commandant placed his signature for a formal document to signify the acceptance of duties and responsibilities of the appointment in the presence of all Commanding Officers and staff of RHQ after a brief religious observances and lighting of the Traditional Oil Lamp. The day’s events also textured with a Tea Party at WOs’ and Sgts’ Mess, Officers Address and All Rank Lunch. Large numbers of officers including Council Members were present to greet the incumbent Colonel Commandant.\r\n\r\nColonel Commandant expressed his gratitude to all great Gunners who brought the glory to the Regiment of Artillery in past and request all officers and other ranks to commit themselves untiringly for the betterment of the Regiment, Army and motherland. Further he wished all the members of Gunners Tribe and their families to have a prosperous future in all respects.\r\n\r\nMajor General M Hathurusinghe RSP ndc IG who is currently holding the office as the Adjutant General of the Sri Lanka Army is a senior officer who had served the Regiment as Commanding Officer of the 7th Regiment SLA, Centre Commandant and Commander Artillery Brigade prior to be designated as the 18th Colonel Commandant of the Regiment.