


23rd January 2018 14:38:29 Hours

Annual General Meeting 2014 & Military Spouse Appreciation Day

Behind every successful man, they say there\'s a woman. If you alter this quote, it can be safely said that behind the peace of the country are the military wives. The patience, conviction, and honor with which they support their military husbands is truly inspiring. The enduring tenacity and courage with which they support their children, family, and other military spouses is genuinely astounding. Until the Elam war was won, they lived separately with no knowledge of their husbands whereabouts, not knowing whether they\'ll see their loved once again. But through this, they supported them like a giant tree of shade clinging onto dwindling hope of their survival. It is not always easy, but they keep on supporting, loving and being a rock when their husband and family need it most. And with all of this, they stand on their own. They are stay-at-home parents. They are small business owners. They are career-minded leaders. They are mothers and sisters. They are wives and daughters. And yet they balance all of these within the context of a military lifestyle, which is downright extraordinary. As a deed of appreciation and to honor the outstanding contribution made by these spouses, the members of the Artillery Seva Vanitha organized a \"Military Spouse Appreciation Day\" for the wives of serving, deceased & retired officers. It was held at THE KINGSBURY on 30th March 2014. The day was filled with varied workshops that helped empower these wives. Lecture by Dr Dilshan De Silva from The Central Hospital, Colombo educated the ladies on early detection on cancer followed by OLAY beauty demonstration and workshop conducted by Mrs. Nayana Karunaratne, was of significance as it enlightened the women on few importance issues. The main event sponsor Hayleys Consumer organized various entertaining events for the ladies during the program. Final program for the day a food demonstration by Executive Chef Kithsiri De Silva of THE KINGSBURY Hotel. All invitees were given a gift hamper with varied essential items as well as electronic items and gift vouchers were gifted during the raffle draw. All invited military spouses walked out with happy smiles and with their arms filled with varied gift parcels. The never-ending phone calls thanking the executive committee prove witness that this day was both memorable and educational to all those who attended. The Artillery Seva Vanitha Branch Annual General Meeting 2014 was held and a new committee was appointed this day. We take this opportunity to thank our sponsors. Soft Logics Holding Hayleys Consumer Singer Sri Lanka