

Service through Wisdom

28th April 2024 10:10:12 Hours


‘Major General W.W.H.R.R.V.M.N.D.K.B Niyangoda RWP RSP VSV USP ndu psc, Adjutant General of the Army made a formal visit to the Army War College (AWC) on 25 April 2024 in order to receive an update on the administrative and academic functions of the College.

‘The day’s agenda commenced after the Commandant of AWC, Major General Dinesh Udugama RWP RSP USP ndc psc welcomed the visiting Adjutant General on arrival at the AWC premises. In accordance with military formalities, the Adjutant General, at the entrance to the AWC, reviewed the Guard Turnout accorded in his honour.

‘During the subsequent meeting with the Commandant, Chief Instructor and other key appointment holders, the Adjutant General along with the visiting delegation received an overview on the training, academic and administrative aspects of the College during the brief presentation conducted by the Chief Instructor at the conference hall of the AWC Headquarters.

‘Thereafter, having addressed the troops serving in the AWC at the Main Auditorium; exemplifying the experience of more than 35 years of service, he stressed the importance of performing all entrusted duties with a complimentary military bearing towards the institution. He, further emphasized that the collective commitment and the best practice of discipline at all levels would allow them to create strategic and tactical plans for personal and professional growth towards achieving their personal and career goals thus bringing one’s own personal progress along the lines of professional military development as a whole.

‘He took time off to visit the Medical Inspection Room, Library as well as the Defence Study Branch afterwards and he finally, shared a few minutes with all officers for an interactive meeting at the Officers' Mess premises followed by the lunch hosted by the Commandant and all Officers. Just before his departure, in appreciation of the landmark visit of the Adjutant General of the Sri Lanka Army to the Army War College Buttala, the Commandant AWC presented a plaque and he, thereafter inscribed a few thoughts in the Visitors' Book to mark the official visit.