

Service through Wisdom

17th December 2023 11:21:50 Hours


The ‘Army War College Symposium 2023’, the eagerly anticipated event that seeks to bring together military leaders, scholars, and experts around the country with the Blessings of the Commander of the Army and the guidance of the Commandant of the Army War College, was brought to an end with magnificent responses from both participants as well as the senior officers in the hierarchy. It was held under the theme of ‘Influence of Fifth Generation Warfare (Perception and Information) and Challenges for Military in Sri Lankan Context’ and aimed at fostering critical discussions, exchanging innovative ideas, and providing invaluable insights into the evolving nature of modern warfare. Under the main theme, five sessions were crafted under five sub-themes where an eminent panel of Session Chairs and Guest Speakers, who enriched the insightful domains with their speeches, underscored the sub-themes of the sessions. Altogether, 16 professionals in different shared their views comprising five Session Chairs and ten Speakers along with the Keynote Speech.

It was conducted in the form of a hybrid meeting as a two-day symposium on 11 and 12 December 2023, centered at the Army War College, Buttala with the participation of Student Officers, and the Army Headquarters with a diversified audience and the other participants were connected from all over the island comprising Commanding Officers employed under all SFHQs via Zoom platform.

Major General W H K S Peiris RWP RSP VSV USP ndu the Commander-Security Headquarters(West) and the Colonel Commandant-Military Intelligence Corps graced the occasion of Inauguration and delivered the Opening Address at the Army Headquarters. All the principal officers and the Directors of Directorates of Army Headquarters including the Commandant, Chief Instructor and the Staff officers of AWC also participated in the occasion that took place at the Army Headquarters while the Deputy Commandant, Student Officers of Senior Command Course 9, and Junior Command Course 28 along with the rest of faculty and permanent staff joined from the AWC Buttala online. Also, a large number of military personnel viewed the proceedings on the live-streamed program via YouTube.

The theme formulated and approved by the Army Headquarters focused on the ever-evolving concept of 5th Generation Warfare and a renowned defense analyst and researcher on the subject Mr. Nilanthan Niruthan, delivered the Keynote Speech. In this hybrid meeting of the symposium which was hosted physically in two locations Army Headquarters, Colombo, and Army War College, Buttala made an audience of participants of more than 1500 altogether who joined physically and virtually as groups or individuals.

Throughout the symposium, sessions were expertly handled by the intellectuals, covering a broad range of subjects with the active involvement of military experts. On the first day, the Session Chair of the first Session Maj Gen MGWWWMCB Wickramasinghe RWP RSP ndu psc, the Director General General Staff-Sri Lanka Army chaired the session under the theme of ‘Fifth Generation Warfare and Challenges for State (from Military to Political Security)’ and the two speakers in the session were Brig SP Wickramasekera RWP RSP USP psc, the Military Adviser Permanent Misson of Sri Lanka to UN delivering his speech on ‘Evolution of Modern Warfare and Significance of Fifth Generation Warfare’ and Maj Gen DKSK Dolage USP psc, the General Officer Commanding-59 Infantry Division delivering his speech on ‘Dynamics and Influence of Fifth Generation Warfare and Challenges.

Second Session was chaired by Mr Indika De Zoysa, the Strategic Adviser/Vice President Huawel Technologles Lanka Co (Pvt) Ltd under the theme ‘Critical Technologies and its Impact’ together with the two speakers; Mr Boshan Dayaratne, the Group Director/CEO-CICRA Holdings delivering his speech on ‘Emerging Technologies, Advance Application Tools and Effects across Domains’ and Mr Varuna Jayalath the Country General Manager - Dell Technologies delivering his speech on ‘Perceived Changes in Sri Lankan Operation Environment and Challenges.

Third Session was chaired by Maj Gen W Chandrasiri RSP USP psc, the General Officer Commanding-24 Infantry Division under the theme of ‘Military Strategies in Support of Formulation of Military Guidance/Policy Making’ and the two speakers were Lt Col Thushara Kathriarachchi (Retd) SLAWC, LLB Attorney-at-Law, the Head-Department of Criminology- KDU delivering the speech on ‘Global Best Practices, Probable Guidelines and Legal Implications’ and Col KVP Dhammika USP ptsc, the Director-Defence Cyber Command and Information Warfare Centre MOD delivering his speech on ‘Planning Consideration to Develop Military Strategy/Application for Emerging Security Landscape.

The Session Chair of the Fourth Session was Professor Thushara Weerawardane, the Dean-Faculty of Engineering-KDU who chaired the session under the theme of ‘Leadership and Decision Making in Complex Operational Environment’ chairing the two speakers; RAdm YN Jayarathna (Retd) RWP RSP USP ndu psc, the Former Chief of Staff, Sri Lanka Navy and Chief Hydrographer/International Consultant for the United Nations delivering his speech on ‘Evolving a Joint Approach for Decision Making Enhance Capabilities of Military’ and Maj Gen SA Kulatunge RWP RSP VSV USP psc, the Chief Field Engineer-Sri Lanka Army delivering his speech on ‘Responsibilities of Different Stakeholders and Enhancing Capabilities to Face Complex Environments.

The Final session was chaired by Maj Gen GVDUA Perera (Retd) RWP RSP VSV USP USAWC psc, the Senior General Manager/Group Head of Administration, Brandix Apparel Ltd for chairing under the theme of ‘Perception for Sri Lankan Military’ and the two speakers were Brig PCL Gunawardhane RWP RSP psc, the Director-Research, Concept and Doctrine Sri Lanka Army delivering his speech on ‘Lessons Derived from Modern Dimensions of Perception Change in Relevant to Sri Lankan Experiences and Role of Military’ and Air Cdre VTS Sirimanne USP MCR MPM MDS PgD (IR) LLB ANDHRM, Attorney-at-Law Notary Public Commissioner for Oath MIM(SL), Chartered Member CIPM Member BASL ndc psc, the Provost Marshal-Sri Lanka Air Force delivering his speech on ‘Complex Operation Environment and Challenges in Command to Achieve Cohesion.

At the end of each session, mementos and certificates were given to all the intellectuals as tokens of appreciation. The Deputy Commandant of AWC delivered the vote of thanks thanking all who were behind the success of this huge endeavour. Especially, he extended his regards to Commander of the Army, Lieutenant General H L V M Liyanage RWP RSP ndu for facilitating to conduct the ‘Symposium 2023’ of the Army War College and Maj Gen MGWWWMCB Wickramasinghe RWP RSP ndu psc, the Director General General Staff-Sri Lanka Army, AHQ Staff, including the General Staff Branch, Directorate of Training, and Directorate of Media and all the other Directors and Principal Staff Officers, the Commandant of Army War College Major General UKDDP Udugama RWP RSP USP ndc psc, the Symposium Secretariat and his dedicated team, the AWC staff, who have played a crucial role in making this symposium a resounding success, all SF Commanders for facilitating the Commanding Officers and Staff Officers for their participation at the symposium, and the ITO of the Army War College for coordinating things online together with the IT Officers at AHQ.

All the participants gained valuable insights into leadership and decision-making from the perspective of both the Army and Navy, and the Air Force emphasized through a joint approach. Furthermore, the audience was privileged to clarify their doubts from an academic professional who were expert on subject matters at the end of each session. The entire symposium was expertly handled by both iconic retired and in-service military officers together with intellectuals from civil institutions. This annual gathering marked a significant milestone in the pursuit of knowledge and excellence in military strategy and leadership.