

Service through Wisdom

27th September 2021 09:41:36 Hours


To drive away the monotony of the academic environment and to enhance the camaraderie among the Student Officers, the cricket encounter 3/2021 was successfully held at the playground of Officer Career Development Centre on 25 September 2021.

The Commandant of OCDC Major General DBSN Bothota RWP RSP USP psc graced the occasion as the Chief Guest and the teams from Senior Command Course 3, Junior Command Course 22 and the Permanent Staff of OCDC participated in the event. Team 3 of Junior Command Course captained by Major PWL Thissera GR became the champions of the tournament and the Permanent Staff Team B led by Major TMNDT Tennakoon psc SLSC became the runners up.

Colonel RRMPNB Babaradeniya RWP RSP USP psc from Permanent Staff Team B became the Best Bowler in this competitive encounter and Major TMNDT Tennakoon psc SLSC from the same team was awarded with the Best Batsman trophy of the series. Major GGNS Wickramasinghe VIR from JCC Team 03 became the Man of the series.

After the successful completion of the tournament, all the Officers entertained themselves in the after session arranged at the Open Air Wing Premises of OCDC. The series of games and aesthetic events added extra glamour to the occasion and finally the session culminated with a buffet lunch at the Officers’ Mess.