

Service through Wisdom

19th September 2021 11:47:34 Hours


The graduation ceremony of Senior Command Course 02, Junior Command Course 21 and Junior Staff Course 21 was held at OCDC Main Auditorium on 20 August 2021. This outstanding occasion was graced by the Commandant, Major General DBSN Bothota RWP RSP USP psc, Deputy Commandant, Chief Instructor, Senior Instructors, Members of the Directing Staff and Permanent Staff.

The courses commenced on 03 May 2021 and marked the culmination on 20 August 2021 whilst having spared 2 weeks for quarantine period. During the course of study, the student officers of all three courses devoted themselves to uplift their knowledge base under the guidance of a well-qualified Directing Staff and academic intellectuals.

During the ceremony all student officers received their certificates and the following student officers who obtained the highest aggregate at each course were awarded with a special token of appreciation by the Commandant:

a. Major GIDD Dharmarathne RSP USP USACGSC SLAC – SCC
b. Major KJAT Buddhika MIR – JCC
c. Captain YYK Meepagala MIR – JSC

The event culminated with a glamorous Guest Night on 20 August 2021 and all the proceedings were conducted under strict regulations to avoid the spread of Covid 19.