

Service through Wisdom

12th May 2021 17:11:31 Hours


The graduation ceremony of JCC 20 was held at OCDC Main Auditorium on 09 March 2021. This outstanding occasion was graced by the Commandant as the Chief Guest and the Overlooking Deputy Commandant and the Chief Instructor, the Senior Instructors and other members of the permanent staff also attended the event.

This course commenced on 23 November 2020 and the duration was extended to 4 months due to the pandemic situation. A total of 76 officers were graduated at this occasion and Major WACN Karunathilake of Sri Lanka Light Infantry became first out of 76 officers, showcasing an outstanding performance.

The Commandant and the Overlooking Deputy Commandant and the Chief Instructor gave away the certificates to the recipients. As a course gift, 8 handheld radio sets were donated by the student officers and it was received by the Commandant. Later, with the Commandant address the first session of the event terminated at the Auditorium and the day$s proceedings culminated with a fabulous entertainment session and a course end Mess Night.

Following five student officers who obtained the highest aggregate were awarded with certificates by the Commandant:

a. Major WACN Karunathilake - SLLI
b. Major ADHDD Bandusena RWP - SF
c. Major SAPR Gunasekara - SLA
d. Major KHLV Karunarathna - SLE
e. Major WMNN Wijerathna - GR