

Service through Wisdom

12th May 2021 17:11:31 Hours


Being the military seat of excellence, the Officer Career Development Centre commenced Senior Command Course 1 and Junior Staff Course 20 on 04 January 2021 with the extreme intension of enhancing military professionalism among Army Officers. The Senior Command Course comprises 36 officers in the ranks of Lieutenant Colonel and Major and 57 student officers from Junior Staff Course in the ranks of Captain and Lieutenant inclusive of 5 lady officers.

Delivering the opening address, Brigadier GMN Perera RWP RSP USP, the Acting Commandant of OCDC warmly welcomed the student officers and emphasised the necessity of following these courses in order to be successful in the military career. Furthermore, he stressed upon the aim of Senior Command Course and emphasised the validity of the course which is a compulsory prerequisite to hold Battalion commander appointments in future. At the same time, he highlighted that, junior officers need to be qualified in JSC to perform as platoon commanders and troop commanders before reaching 6 years of service.

Further, he emphasised the value of completing these courses in a competitive environment. He especially mentioned the significance of discipline, integrity, and loyalty in military life as well. Colonel TCMGST Cooray RWP RSP USP psc, the Chief Instructor of the College addressed the students on the same day. In view of setting a solid foundation to the course, he brought out the significance of following the course and encouraged all Student Officers to complete the particular course attentively.

Prior to the opening ceremony, the Senior Instructors, Col RRMPNB Babaradeniya RWP RSP USP psc and Lt Col ASBY Nanayakkara RSP psc SLAC also addressed the Student Officers of Senior Command Course 1 and Junior Staff Course 20 respectively. The Commanding Officer, Admin Wing also passed down necessary administrative instructions for the student officers.

The event was graced by all the Directing Staff and all the Permanent Staff Officers of OCDC.