

Service through Wisdom

12th May 2021 17:11:30 Hours

OCDC Ready for Its 12th Annual Academic Sessions

Officer Career Development Center has set the stage to conduct the biannual seminar for 60 x senior officers / middle grade officers in the rank of Lieutenant Colonel and Majors for the 12 consecutive time on 17 and 18 December 2018. The Seminar 2/2018 is scheduled to be commenced under the very theme ‘Contemporary Strategic Environment in the Region and the Role of Military Commanders’ with the participation of the Commander of the Sri Lanka Army as the Chief Guest.

The seminar is interactive in nature and focuses on learning through the exchange of ideas/views, to achieve the common goal. OCDC has allocated vacancies for the sister services, Department of Police/ STF and civil establishments with the aim of creating a comprehensive interaction among seminar participants.

Allocated vacancies are as follows:

a. Army. 50 x senior officer/middle grade officer.
b. Navy and Air Force. 2 x senior officer each in the ranks equivalent to Lieutenant Colonel.
c. Police and STF. 1 x senior officer each in the rank of ASP.
d. Civil Establishments. As fol:
(1) 1 x Official each from MOD and Foreign Ministry.
(2) 2 x Final year undergraduates from Department of International Relation of Faculty of Arts – University of Colombo.

OCDC is in view that Officers who voluntarily participate should be given the priority. Therefore, officers who wish to participate in this seminar can forward their nominations to the Directorate of Training before 10 November 2018 via respective establishments.

Seminar Programme