

Service through Wisdom

12th May 2021 17:11:30 Hours


The Officer Career Development Centre of the Sri Lanka Army, Stepping further along her path of organize seminars and workshops for Senior Officers of Sri Lanka Army, Navy, Air Force and Police on selected disciplines bi-annually. The 3rd "consecutive seminar was conducted under the pertinent topic on Career Guidance tom Middle grade Officers of Sri Lanka Army and Empowering Professionalism" at the main auditorium SLMA- Diyathalawa from 29th & 30th Dec 15. The Commander Army Training Command Maj Gen AM Perera RWP RSP psc graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. The Commandant Brigadier R A Nugera WWV RWP RSP ndu of the Officer Career Development Centre invited to the Chief Guest and the senior officers from the Army to lighting of the traditional oil lamp to commence the event. Eminent intellectuals participated and grace the occasion as guest speakers. The seminar 3/2015 was conducted on different disciplines by the Guest speakers, senior Army officers and civil intellectuals respectively. The Guest Speakers of the Seminar 3/2015 conducted by the OCDC at SLMA Diyathalawa were as follows. The selection of the topic for the seminar, the guidance of the Commander of the Army and Commander ARTRAC were very inspiring and effective. It is certain that the topic is applicable to groom the officers of the rank of Majors in the Sri Lanka Army. Moreover the sequence that the seminar was conducted made it easier to impart the knowledge of eminent personalities who participated as guest lecturers. Conducting a this nature of Seminar in a different venue out from OCDC at the SLMA-Diyathalawa is a novel experience to both intellectuals and for the participants, It was a remarkable academic enrichment.