

Service through Wisdom

12th May 2021 17:11:30 Hours


Seminar 1/2014 on the “Evolution of War Fighting and Adaptability of the Armed Forces” conducted at the OCDC in order to enhance the knowledge of senior officers of the Sri Lanka Armed forces concluded successfully on 18 March 2014. Opening Ceremony of the Seminar was graced by the Commander of the Army as the Chief Guest. Most of the senior officers of the Sri Lanka Army participated as invitees and around 65 Tri Services and Police/Special Task Force Senior Officers took part as participants. Sub Topics and Chairs/Guest Speakers were as follows: 1. Session One (Day -1) Concepts Chair: Maj Gen G V D U A Perera RWP RSP USP USAWC psc a. From Traditional Warfare to the Future; A Trajectory through Four Generations of Global Warfare. Speaker: Maj Gen P W B Jayasundara USP psc IG b. Sri Lanka Army; Challenges in Fostering Professionalism. Speaker: Maj Gen R V Udawatte psc ato 2. Session Two (Day -1) Trends and Developments Chair : Maj Gen N J Walgama RSP USP psc a. Kinetic and Non Kinetic Warfare. Speaker : Maj Gen K R P Rowel RWP USP ndu psc b. Use of the Electromagnetic Field and new Innovative Technologies in Warfare. Speaker : Dr Chandana Gamage (Head of the Department, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Moratuwa) 3. Session Three (Day -2) Perspectives Chair : Maj Gen K R P Rowel RWP USP ndu psc a. National Security and Human Security – Challenges for Modern Armed Forces. Speaker: Mr H M G S Palihakkara (Former Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ambassador to UN) b. Non- State Actors, Terrorism and Emerging Threats. Speaker: Mr Nihal Rodrigo (Secretary (Retd) Ministry of External Affairs) 4. Session Four (Day -2) Strategies Chair: Maj Gen N A J C Dias WWV RWP RSP USP ndc a. Impacts of Psychological and Information Warfare on the society. Speaker: Maj Gen A P de Z Wickramaratne RWP ndu psc b. Future Threats to Sri Lanka and Adaptability of the Armed Forces. Speaker: Radm J J Ranashinghe psc, Msc (DS) Mgt, Dip in CR, PG Dip in CPS, JP (Whole Island) c. Air power in Small Wars (Fighting Non State Actors; Terrorists/Insurgents). Speaker: Air Cdre S K Pathirana RWP, RSP, MSc (MOA), MSc (DEF Studies) in Mgt, MIM (SL), ndc, psc, qfi