06th May 2022 10:22:06 Hours
The Army War College commenced the second set of courses for year 2022 with a short yet a notable opening ceremony on 02 May 2022. Under three separate courses namely Senior Command Course (SCC), Junior Command Course (JCC) and Junior Staff Course, 145 Student Officers in total, have reported to the College in order to undergo respective training Courses.
The SCC comprises of 36 student officers and the JCC is composed with 85 Student Officers including one foreign Student Officer from Bangladesh Army. JSC comprises of 24 officers.
While delivering the opening Address, Major General UUKLS Perera RWP RSP USP psc, the Commandant Army War College elaborated the importance and the validity of undergoing such courses for the career progression of junior, middle grade and senior army officers.
The Deputy Commandant, Chief Instructor, Senior Instructors, Members of the Faculty and the Permanent Staff also attended the opening ceremony.