

Service through Wisdom

12th May 2021 17:11:30 Hours


The Officer Career Development Centre of the Sri Lanka Army was inaugurated on 23rd January 2012 with a view to enhance the knowledge of middle-grade and senior officers of the Sri Lanka Army on defence management, academic enrichment in techniques and strategies of joint warfare. The Centre is also bestowed with the noble mission of grooming middle grade officers of the Sri Lanka Army and Stepping further along this path of journy, The centre organize seminars and workshops for Senior Officers of Sri Lanka Army, Navy, Air Force and Police on selected disciplines bi-annually. This year, guided by the vision of the commander of the Sri Lanka Army the pertinent theme on "Approaches to Countering Terrorism in Modern Environment" has been selected for the seminar 1/2016. The Seminar 1/2016 was held at the main auditorium OCDC Buttala on 25 & 26 July 2016 to provide strategic exposure to senior officers especially those in the rank of Brigadier and Colonels. The Chief of Staff of the Sri Lanka Army, Maj Gen MP Peiris RWP RSP VSV USP ndc psc graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. Brigadier R A Nugera WWV RWP RSP ndu the Commandant Officer Career Development Centre invited the Chief of Staff of the Army and senior officers of triforces and Police to lighting of the traditional oil lamp to commenced the event. Senior officers, eminent intellectuals participated as the Guest Speakers. The seminar 1/2016 was conducted under 4 sessions with main topics and each session was conducted by an eminent panel of lectures under main topic and Lectures were conducted according to the given subtopic by the Guest speakers, senior Army officers and civil intellectuals respectively. Moreover the sequence that the seminar was conducted made it easier to impart the knowledge of eminent personalities who participated as guest lecturers.