

Service through Wisdom

12th May 2021 17:11:30 Hours

OCDC Ready for its 11th Annual Academic Sessions

The annual two-day seminar, organized by the Officer Career Development Centre (OCDC) at Buttala, one of the prestigious seats of learning in the Army, will get underway during 31 May -1 June at the OCDC auditorium.

This year's OCDC Seminar - 2018 will focus on the theme "Dynamics of Conflicts; Analysis within Regional and Global Context" drawing both civil and Army experts on specific subjects.

More than 60 participants from tri services and the Police will take part in the two-day deliberations under six sessions.

Admiral Ravindra C Wijegunaratne, Chief of Defence Staff at the invitation of Lieutenant General Mahesh Senanayake, Commander of the Army graces the inauguration on 31 May as the Chief Guest.