

Service through Wisdom

12th May 2021 17:11:30 Hours


The 10th consecutive two day thematic seminar under the theme Adaptability into the Modern Day Security Context: Transformation of a Soldier, was successfully concluded at the Officer Career Development Centre (OCDC), the youngest officer training centre of the Sri Lanka Army on 21 and 22 December 2017.

Lieutenant General N.U.M.M.W. Senanayake, the Commander of the Army graced the occasion as the Chief Guest and he was warmly welcomed by Brigadier Chandana Gunawardane, The Commandant, OCDC.

The Chief Guest, Lieutenant General Mahesh Senanayake, Commander of the Army delivered the keynote address laying a solid foundation to the Seminar 2/2017. The Commander of the Army received a memento as a token of appreciation from the Commandant for his graceful presence to the OCDC.

All the participants sat for a group photograph with the Chief Guest, invitees and all the guest speakers which was followed by the tea arranged at the Facility Complex at the OCDC.

The first session of the day one commenced under the timely valuable theme on "Social and Cultural Adaptability of a Soldier of Handling Irregular Threats". The chair of the first session, Professor Amal Jayawardane, Kotelawala Defence University (KDU) conducted a lecture on "Importance of the Knowledge on Language and Cultural Awareness by a Soldier". Lieutenant Colonel U.L.J.S Perera of the Gemunu Watch conducted the second lecture of the session one on "Adaptation to Divers Societies for Effective Handling of Situations" and Lieutenant Colonel C.A.B Tennakoon of Sri Lanka Artillery Regiment conducted a lecture on "Military Transformation: the Capability Based Approach" the first session was concluded with a question and answer session that is followed by lunch at the Officers' Mess at the OCDC.

The second session of the day chaired by Brigadier D.M.U.G. Bandara was commenced under the theme of "Psychological and Physical Transition of a Soldier". The first lecture was on “Mental and Physical Transition to Meet the Requirement of changing Security Atmosphere” was conducted by Colonel R. M. M Moneragala of Sri Lanka Medical Corps. Afterwards, Colonel U.U.K.L.S Perera and Dr. (Mrs) Lakshika Liyanage of KDU conducted lectures on Dealing with changing Ambiguty in Crisis Situation and Handling Stress and Interpersonal Ability respectively.

Session three of the Day one conducted successfully under the theme of Transitional Training. The session was chaired by Major General G.V Ravipriya. Colonel L.C.R Jayasuriya, Lieutenant Colonel P. S. S. Sanjeewa of Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment and Colonel A.M.C.P Wijerathne conducted lectures on Training information and Intelligence to suit Modern Day Requirement, Training on Asymmetric Warfare and Inculcation of Military Professionalism respectively.

The last session of the day one under the chair of Brigadier D.A.P.N Dematanpitiya went under Association with Existing Technology, Procedures and Stimulatory Training Requirements. On this session Dr. Harindra Vidanage on Modern Day Technological Trends and Significance in Adaptation and Lieutenant Colonel K.T.R.B Kodippili of Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment shared their knowledge and experiences on "Technological and Procedural Exposure in Terms of Modern Day Security Context".

Day two of the seminar began with the theme of "Disaster Management: Responses, Training, Procedures and Employment". The session was presided by Mr. U.W Chandradasa and his lecture was Sri Lanka's Need to Disaster Management Preparedness for Future. Subsequently, Lieutenant Colonel K.P.S.A Amarakoon of the Gemunu Watch Regiment conducted the lecture on "Concept of Mility Involvement in Disaster Management" and Colonel L.H.M Rajapaksha conducted lecture on Preparedness for Search and Rescue Operations.

The two-day seminar 2/2017 saw its culmination successfully on Friday (22) followed by the Vote of Thanks delivered by Colonel Kapila Dolage, the Chief Instructor at the Officer Career Development Centre.