

Service through Wisdom

12th May 2021 17:11:30 Hours

Leadership Programme for School Prefects

The staff of Officer Career Development Centre joinedhands with the leaders of Maligathenna College and Thenagallanda College school to develop their leadership skills among the children of two schools. The programme was successfully conducted in the premises of the OCDC on 13 May 2018.

The programme was conducted throughout the day by the officers of the OCDC with the guidance and encouragement of the Commandant, Brig DMDCD Gunawardhana RWP USP ndcpsc, Deputy Commandant, and the Chief Instructor. There were sixty (60) school prefects attending the session.

The first session of the programme was conducted at the main auditorium highlighting the duties and responsibilities of a leader. The session also comprised with an English language session.The first session terminated with lunch arranged by the centre. The second session which was conducted at the OCDC playground focused on many leadership skills such as; problem solving, decision making, communication skillsetcby giving the students an exposure to different live activities.

Presents were awarded to the prefects who performed well in the workshop by the Chief Instructor of the OCDC.