

Service through Wisdom

15th December 2023 15:05:49 Hours


To coincide with the Ill Poya day proceedings of Buddhist ritual practices, Army War College (AWC) synchronized with the comprehensive programme drew to the end on 26 November 2023 with a Dhamma preaching at the AWC premises.

As per the formalities of Buddhist culture, ‘Retreat Robes’ (Katina Cheewaraya) scheduled to offer to Maha Sanga which was kept for worshipping for the troops of the AWC took away from the AWC premises to Budugallena Forest Hermitage (Aranya Senasanaya) in Buttala on 24 November 2023. It was revealed during the Katina Pujawa ceremony held at Buddangala monastery Temple before thousands of devotees was administered by Rev. Uduwara Dammarakkitha Nayaka Thero, the Chief Incumbent of the hermitage that as the first occasion in the 40-year history of the temple, this was accompanied from a place away from the temple.

On the following day morning, 25 November, the Commandant, Major General U K D D P Udugama RWP RSP USP ndc psc with a team of partisans from the AWC joined the Cham Procession held at the temple premises for offering the Retreat Robes to the Members of Maha Sanga who completed the ‘Vas’ Observances or ‘Vas Visseema’ (Rain Retreat). On the same day evening, paying special assertion to the Buddhist practices, Commandant along with few officers representing all the troops of the AWC participated in the all-night Pirith chanting and the following day alms-giving also held at the Rahatankanda monastery temple located in adjacent to the AWC, Buttala.

On 26 November, as per the directions given by the Commandant, the troops of the Army War College (AWC) organized a Bodhi Pooja Session on the eve of the Ill Poya day. Buddha Wandana and Dhamma preaching was conducted by Rev Mapakada Premarathna Nayaka Thero of Katugahagalge Temple, Badalkumbura and blessed all ranks of the institution.

During the preaching of Dhamma, the Venerable monk explained the importance of the Ill Poya day as this Ill poya marks the end of the rainy season and the conclusion of the three-month retreat (Vassana-Samaya).

Further, he explained the value of the great offering of the retreat ropes ‘Katina Cheewara’ to members of Maha Sanga upon the completion of the ‘Vas’ Observances or ‘Vas Visseema’.