

Service through Wisdom

12th May 2021 17:11:30 Hours


The Officer Career Development Centre is a prestigious institution of SL Army which conducts career courses to groom and enhance military professionalism among Junior and Middle Grade Officers. Keeping in line with the vision of the Commander of the Army, OCDC makes every effort to develop highly skilled, confident and well-motivated Army officers to the Sri Lanka army. At OCDC officers are trained for combat and non-combat future operational requirements. In keeping with one of the strategic concepts of the Commander of the Army, training should be focused towards the career progression of officers, thus the OCDC, at present, is in the process of grooming them accordingly. The military study package of the three particular courses at OCDC focus on War Fighting, Military Doctrine, Counter Insurgency Operations, Service Writing and Staff Procedure, Command and Staff Duties, Strategic Studies, Combat Service Support, OPs of War including Transitional Phases, Command and Decision Making, International Relations, Information and Communication Technology and English. Apart from enriching themselves with Military knowledge, the student officers are given the opportunity to enhance their knowledge base under the guidance of well qualified intellectuals. Army Logistics and Maintenance, Unit Administration, International Humanitarian Law, Human Resource Management, Civil and Military Law, Disaster Management and Police Duties are some of the subjects which enriched their knowledge by the invited intellectuals during the course of study. After a strenuous study period, UCC 5, JCC 17 and JSC 17, culminated with a glamourous Graduation Ceremony on 6 December 2019. This memorable occasion was graced by the Commandant, the Deputy Commandant, the Chief Instructor, the Senior Instructors and other members of the permanent staff. Major NRMT Nissanka RSP VIR secured the first place out of 19 officers of UCC 5, Major JJP Dissanayake VIR secured the first place out of 52 officers of JCC 17 and from JSC 17, Captain JAAD Galkanda SLLI secured the first place out of 45 officers showcasing an outstanding performance. All these courses were commenced during the first two weeks of September 2019 and marked the termination followed by a splendid course end Mess Night.