

Service through Wisdom

12th May 2021 17:11:30 Hours

EXERCISE BREEZING CLIMES (Excursion to Nuwara Eliya)

Ex BREEZING CLIMES is an educational and social event- a day outing at Nuwara Eliya- organized by the appointed committees of the student officers of Junior Command Course 6 and Junior Staff Course 7.The Exercise was conducted on 15 June 2014. The excursion offered the students the opportunity to reach the peak of PIDURUTALAGALA, the highest place of the country and to visit the significant components such as Air Defence Radar Station and System of Sri Lanka Air Force, Transmission Station of Sri Lanka Rupavahini Cooperation; the entities with strategic importance for Sri Lanka. The event was a fine opportunity to improve officers’ knowledge and awareness of self-conduct in a non-military outing and to widen the horizons in planning, organizing and coordinating such a social event while excelling the knowledge, leadership in planning and initiating expedition.The participants were facing excitement and entertainment with unity and good coordination with their colleagues. Members of the permanent staff also participated in the event which ended up with a well-organized field lunch beside the famous Gregory Lake premises.