

Service through Wisdom

17th October 2023 12:31:43 Hours


Sri Lanka Army, much-respected saviours of the Nation, who triumphantly eradicated the 30-year long LTTE terrorism three years celebrates its 74th Army Day Celebration on 10 October 2023.

To coincide with the main celebration arrangement of the Army Headquarters with the presence of the Commander of Army at Sri Lanka Light Infantry Regiment Grounds at Panagoda, Army War College (AWC) set a programme to celebrate the 74th Anniversary Commemoration at the college premises.

As per the day's programme, Army flag was Symbolically hoisted heralding the formalities in front of the Main Auditorium.

Immediately after flag hoisting, the Army song, “Sagarayen wata-Me mage mau rata….Rakimu sada,” jointly sung by everyone present, rent the air, adding grandeur and patriotic sentiments to the occasion.

The next moment on the itinerary was solemn and dignified since memories would never die, as they say. A one-minute silence in honour of all War Heroes who sacrificed their lives during the sacred mission of defending the Motherland and those who went missing in action, was then observed.

As per the set agenda of day's proceedings, the gathering listen to the Army Commander's message which was read out at the occasion.

Then, the gathering of Officers and Other Ranks gathered to the Main Auditorium witnessed the Main Celebration organized by the Army Headquarters which was webcast from Army Headquarters.

To mark the day's significance, with the participation of the Commandant of the AWC, officers and other ranks joined to plant around 100 saplings of Jackfruit, Guava, Rambutan, pomegranate and Mee at the college premises.

As the final segment of the day’s programme, the Commandant took part in an all rank lunch held at the mini auditorium.