02nd February 2025 22:05:39 Hours
The Inter Battalion Sports Championship of the Mechanized Infantry Regiment was successfully and glamoursly terminated at RHQ MIR on 29 December 2024. The Competitions on Firing, Rowing and Volleyball were initiated as per the concept of the Col of the Regt of MIR and General Officer Commanding 21 Infantry Division, Maj Gen WMSCK Wansinsinhe RSP USP with the close supervision of Cen Comdt MIR. All events were conducted to identify and attest the firing & sports skills and abilities of the soldiers with the Regiment and to uplift and open up the ways to climb up them to the National Level. 1 MIR became the best battalion in Volleyball and 3 MIR secured the trophy as best Rowing team. Moreover, 4 MIR became the best in firing. In addition to that it was awarded cash prizes for the best individuals who excel in Rowing and boxing dedicated to flying MIR colours at the national level.
The Col of the Regt Maj Gen WMSCK Wanasinhe RSP USP graced as the Chief Guest along with Comd Mech Info Bde, Comdt MITC and Snr Offrs,Offrs and ORs including Battalions were participated the event.