02nd February 2025 21:51:03 Hours
Major General W M S C K Wanasinghe RSP USP, the Colonel Of the Regiment of the Mechanized Infantry Regiment and the General Officer Commander of the 21 Infantry Division, made an official visit to the MITC & 2 MIR on 01 February 2025, prior to his retirement from the Sri Lanka Army.
Upon his arrival, he was accorded a Drive Pass and warmly welcomed by Lt Col R M H B Rathnayake RSP USP psc, the Commandant of MITC and Lt Col PVRP Kumara RSP USP psc, the Commanding Officer of 2MIR.
Later, the Colonel of the Regiment planted a sapling at the camp premises and posed for a group photograph.
Subsequently, he addressed the troops of MITC and 2 MIR, and paid the gratitude to all for the assistance that they have extended during his tenure and urged them to continue their commitment in the same spirit for the benefit and the reputation of the organization.
At the end of the troops address, mementos were presented by Comdt MITC and CO 2 MIR to the Colonel of the Regiment to commemorate the event.
Before concluding the visit, the Colonel of the Regiment shared his valuable thoughts with Officers and made complimentary remarks in the visitors' books.
Brigadier H A A N C Prabhath RSP USP, Commander Mechanized Infantry Brigade, Colonel M M W G Raminda RSP, Deputy Commandant Mechanized Infantry Regimental Centre, Senior Officers, Officers and other ranks participated in the events.